Your credit score is important. It’s a three-digit number that lenders use to decide whether or not to give you a loan, and it can also affect the interest rate you’re offered. A high credit score means you’re a low-risk borrower, which means you’re more likely to get a loan and a lower interest rate. A low credit score means you’re a high-risk borrower, which means you’re less likely to get a loan and will be offered a higher interest…
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By: R. Patrick Brice ( As the Senior Vice President and head of, I have worked in the banking industry for over 18 years with a specific focus on banking technologies. I’m happy to provide you with interesting and relevant content. I get a lot of questions about Most questions are about functions and features. I love these types of questions; all I have to do is show and tell. The hardest question I get is “How is…
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N26 is leaving the United States market, are you wondering what your online bank options are now? There are so many online banks out there, which one should you choose? The chart below should help with your decision! N26 used to offer Ally Rewards Cash Back on debit card spend/discounts on favorite brands and subscriptions No set reward program-offers promotions occasionally Referral Rewards: $1 every month for everyone you refer and they refer, to 6 levels that qualifies (makes…
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N26 is leaving the United States Market Wondering what your online bank options are now? There are so many online banks out there, who do you choose? Hopefully, the below chart will help with your decision! N26 used to offer Chime Bank or Fintech? European Bank Fintech with US bank partners US Bank owned by Liberty Savings Bank Rewards Cash Back on debit card spend/discounts on favorite brands and subscriptions One time bonuses: $5 bonus for signing up $100…
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As German-based fintech N26 prepares to close its doors to their United States market in early January 2022, the company’s 500,000 US customers are scrambling to find a new bank to transfer their funds into. To help narrow down their broad options, here’s how N26 compares to similar US-based fintech’s. N26 Chime Wise Account N26 You Spend Spending Account Multi-Currency Account Debit Card Included? Yes Yes Yes No 100% Mobile Yes Yes Yes Yes Interest Rate N/A 0.55%…
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N26 is closing, what are your mobile banking options? You woke up this morning, grabbed a cup of coffee, and sat down to read your daily news feed only to find out that your bank, N26, has decided to leave the U.S. market. Now what do you do? There are plenty of online alternatives to N26, all with pros and cons, some may even have identical offerings. You could choose one and start that process to move everything over and…
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As many United States N26 customers already know, the German fintech has announced it will be closing its doors on the US market on January 11, 2022, leaving behind 500,000 US customers. While N26 has assured its US customers that they will have full access to their funds as usual until the cutoff date and will receive further instructions on how to withdraw their funds to ensure a smooth transition, US customers have been left to determine their next steps…
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Less than 2.5 years after entering the United States market, German fintech N26 has announced it will be permanently discontinuing all US operations in January 2022. N26 customers in the US must migrate All US N26 customers have until Tuesday January 11, 2022 to withdraw their funds from the global digital bank, after which time they will no longer have access to N26, its mobile app, or their accounts. N26 has assured its roughly 500,000 US customers that they will have full…
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